December 27, 2011

Physician's Formula in Blushing Berry: Review & Swatches!

I own quite a fair amount of these mosaic like blushes so I figured I do individual reviews for each. I feel like Physician's Formula is high in drugstore quality but many times overlooked because of the outdated packaging or because of the high priced (in terms of drugstore pricing). Anyway I bought this blush around the summer and the color is absolutely gorgeous - it's this nice berry color when swirled together. 

The packaging flips open and on the bottom there is a blush brush and a mirror included. The brush is scratchy so I don't recommend using it. It is a bit bulky and not cute looking! 

Close up shot of the different multi-colored parts of the blush.

Swatches of all the different parts in direct sunlight - the farthest one on the right is the blush swirled together! 

Overall I really like this blush - it stays on pretty decent and the color isn't like one that I have in my collection. It's not the cutest of packaging but I do recommend checking it out! 

Price: Around $11 
Where Can I Buy: Drugstores, Ulta, or Online!
Overal Rating: 8.5/10

Do you own any Physician's Formula blushes? 

- A.


  1. I love your blog! I followed you! Please check out my blog if you want and follow me? Thanks so much.


  2. I have the same one. I'm glad you like it! :)


Thanks for reading :3